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We have two events this week and would love to have you join us!

Tuesday: 12pm-1pm Induction Session for Birth 2 Be Community. We highly recommend this session for anyone planning a hospital birth. We have such a high induction rate in Des Moines/Iowa, we want you to feel prepared and empowered to advocate for your choices.

Thursday: 6-8pm Ladies` Night of Indulgence at Waukee Wellness: This event is free to attend and there will be various Waukee based-businesses in there to help you relax and unwind! The Baby Ladies will be there sharing our favorite "mocktails" (and recipes) perfect for spring and summer events! RSVP to the Facebook event page:

We hope to see you this week!

#doula #labordoula #postpartumdoula #desmoines #iowa #desmoinesiowa #iowamom #desmoinesmom #iowamomlife #westdesmoines #waukee #cliveiowa #waukeeiowa #westdesmoinesiowa #iowadoula #desmoinesdoula #desmoinesbaby

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While we are all called "The Baby Ladies", our main focus is always caring for the parents. By caring for new parents, we`re also making sure they have the ability to care for their babies the best they can.

This might look like:
♥ Making sure expecting parents are prepared for birth and the curveballs that may come their way
♥ Helping them understand their options
♥ Advocating for them when needed
♥ Teaching them newborn parenting skills
♥ Giving them a sleep break while we care for their baby

Or read this testimonial from an amazing twins mom I had the honor of supporting a few years ago!

Happy World Doula Week--Day Two!

#doula #labordoula #postpartumdoula #desmoines #iowa #desmoinesiowa #iowamom #desmoinesmom #iowamomlife #westdesmoines #waukee #cliveiowa #waukeeiowa #westdesmoinesiowa #iowadoula #desmoinesdoula #desmoinesbaby

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Happy Day One of World Doula Week to all of the labor doulas and postpartum doulas, especially to those on our Iowa Baby Ladies team! (Baby Ladies: I hope you see this message--I know you`ve been busy this week with births, overnights, and daytime support shifts!!)

Wondering about the RESEARCH behind doula support? Check out this link!

#doula #labordoula #postpartumdoula #desmoines #iowa #desmoinesiowa #iowamom #desmoinesmom #iowamomlife #westdesmoines #waukee #cliveiowa #waukeeiowa #westdesmoinesiowa #iowadoula #desmoinesdoula #desmoinesbaby

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You`re invited to join us for this week`s events!

Tuesday, March 18th is our next Birth 2 Be Community event. Ari, one of our long-time Baby Ladies, will be leading the discussion on Inductions! With SO many last-minute inductions being scheduled in our area, we highly recommend this group for anyone having a hospital birth this year. $20 fee for this "drop in" event. Registration is required. If you can`t attend Tuesday, check out the website for other dates including online too!

Friday, March 21 from 10-11am: New Moms Social Hour! Hosted by Shannon (Blessed Births and Beyond) and Michelle from our team, this is your chance to hang out with other new moms and babies! No registration required and no fee to attend. Location: Waukee Wellness & Chiropractic.

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