Des Moines Iowa Midwest Postpartum Doula Trainings with Katie Nyberg


As The Iowa Baby Lady, I have a passion for serving families as they GROW their baby, BIRTH their baby, and PARENT their baby!  Our team of birth doulas are serving families having hospital births, home births, and birth center births. and we are available to answer questions about pregnancy, labor, birth, and breastfeeding. I also teach classes as a way to provide even more education to families as they begin their journey into parenthood. Teaching classes is a way I can combine my love of teaching (I was originally a 5th grade teacher) and my passion for families knowing what is happening through this time in their lives.

Our team also offers postpartum services to new families because of our concern for new parents getting the support they need in the first few weeks and months of baby’s life. Many new mothers describe the first few weeks as “survival mode”. However, our goal is for new moms and families to actually enjoy these early days and help them bond with their baby quicker.

Being a birth and baby professional is something we all take very seriously–and with lots of love and passion too!


Research found that mothers who received continuous labor support were less likely to experience:

  • epidural or other regional analgesia
  • any analgesia/anesthesia, including epidurals and opioids
  • birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
  • birth by Cesarean
  • dissatisfaction or negative rating of their experience

The same study also found that mothers who had a doula present were:

less likely to give birth by Cesarean section
less likely to give birth with vacuum extraction or forceps
less likely to use any analgesia
less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience

Other studies show that postpartum outcomes for mothers were much better when a Doula attended their birth experience. Findings show the following results of mothers:

  • enhanced breastfeeding
  • better maternal-infant interaction
  • less postpartum depression, anxiety, and greater self-esteem
  • higher maternal assessments of their baby when compared to the “standard baby”
  • greater satisfaction with the birth experience

Controlled trials on labor support have shown that a doula attended birth reduce:

Cesarean births by 50%
Length of labor by 25%
Oxytocin use by 40%
Narcotic pain medication by 30%
Use of forceps by 30%
Epidurals by 60%

100% of all studies and research done with doula care shows favorable outcomes for mothers and babies during and after the birth!

What Does This Mean for You?

You may be thinking that labor will be a great process with a very supportive partner, great nurses, skilled doctors, and everything will go as planned. Often, mothers are surprised to find that their nurses are very busy and have many patients to take care of. Nurses are very valuable in collecting medical information and checking on your health as well as your baby’s health.
Doctors/Midwives/Care Givers are also very busy running their office hours and being on call for many mothers in the hospitals. In Des Moines, it is also very common for doctors to be on call in more than one hospital at a time.
Dads are great support, but often feel that they should be doing something more or different, or can’t stand to see the mother in pain.
Doulas provide the CONTINUOUS support throughout your entire labor. I will help you labor at home until it is time to go to the hospital or continue on with a planned home-birth. I assist you and your partner with comfort measures like massage, counter-pressure, rebozo use, emotional support, and so much more. (I’d love to show you my Doula bag full of comfort items for you!) I work with Dads and partners to make their experience memorable, too.