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New Moms Social Hour

December 5 @ 10:00 AM

Are you a new mom? If so, you’re invited to join us for this free event on the first and third Fridays of each month! No RSVP needed, and you’re welcome to attend with or without your baby under one years old. For more details, view the main menu –> Classes & Events –> New Moms Social Hour.


December 5
10:00 AM

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Happy World Doula Week--Day 6!

One of the biggest blessings I have in my life is getting to meet LOTS of people who are extremely passionate about making birth, postpartum, and parenthood safer and empowering. Whether we met through a doula training, at a conference, in our local community, or online, HAPPY WORLD DOULA WEEK! I am so thankful to know YOU!

If you know an amazing doula, send them a message this week or tag them in the comments!

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Happy World Doula Week--Day 5!

Having a doula on your birth/baby team isn`t just "trendy"--there`s a lot of research that shows doula support can make a big impact on both mom`s and baby`s health! Interested in learning more? Send me an email!

#doula #labordoula #postpartumdoula #desmoines #iowa #desmoinesiowa #iowamom #desmoinesmom #iowamomlife #westdesmoines #waukee #cliveiowa #waukeeiowa #westdesmoinesiowa #iowadoula #desmoinesdoula #desmoinesbaby

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Happy World Doula Week--Day Four!

This one is for anyone who is responsible for caring for others, especially our doulas, who spend so much time caring for expecting and new parents.

There`s a high burnout rate among doulas, especially labor doulas, because of the on-call lifestyle. Making self-care a high priority is so important for doulas. I am thrilled that our doula team has many doulas who have been doing this work for a very long time!

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We have two events this week and would love to have you join us!

Tuesday: 12pm-1pm Induction Session for Birth 2 Be Community. We highly recommend this session for anyone planning a hospital birth. We have such a high induction rate in Des Moines/Iowa, we want you to feel prepared and empowered to advocate for your choices.

Thursday: 6-8pm Ladies` Night of Indulgence at Waukee Wellness: This event is free to attend and there will be various Waukee based-businesses in there to help you relax and unwind! The Baby Ladies will be there sharing our favorite "mocktails" (and recipes) perfect for spring and summer events! RSVP to the Facebook event page:

We hope to see you this week!

#doula #labordoula #postpartumdoula #desmoines #iowa #desmoinesiowa #iowamom #desmoinesmom #iowamomlife #westdesmoines #waukee #cliveiowa #waukeeiowa #westdesmoinesiowa #iowadoula #desmoinesdoula #desmoinesbaby

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