Supporting Iowa families as they grow their babies, birth their babies, and parent their babies.
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Our doula team is filled with strong women who are extremely passionate about supporting other strong women through birth and motherhood. Less than 100 years ago, we would not have been able to have this career, and participate in activities like voting and contacting our local government leaders.
Here`s a little history for International Women`s Day today...
♥ International Women`s Day (IWD), marked annually on March 8, is a global day of recognition celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women while also calling for increased gender equality.
♥The observance dates back to the first International Women`s Day in 1911 when over one million people across Europe protested for women`s suffrage and labor rights, according to UN Women.
♥Today, IWD is celebrated in numerous countries around the world and is an official holiday in over 20 countries, including Burkina Faso, Cuba, Russia and Ukraine, according to the AP. The day is marked by a range of activities including marches, talks, campaigns and events aimed at raising awareness of women`s issues and pushing for gender equality​​.
Happy IBCLC day to our local International Board Certified Lactation Consultants! We`re so thankful for the support you offer to our doula families and our community.
@applaud_breastfeeding @baskingbabiesibclc @latchibclcprivatepractice
Happy birthday to Victoria, our talented admin assistant who keeps us all organized and keeps track of our amazing doula team! We hope you have a wonderful birthday! ...
Are you expecting? Join us for a Birth 2 Be Class session! These have been going really well and we have a great group of parents who would love to have YOU come this week to either the in-person or online session.
Are you a new mom? Join us on Friday for our New Moms Social Hour! 10am-11am at Waukee Wellness & Chiropractic. Free to attend, no RSVP necessary. Coffee provided!
Please help us wish our incredible postpartum doula, Allison, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We are so thankful to Allison for providing so many families with overnight doula support! ...