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Join us for an event this week!

If you`re expecting, join us in person or online for our Cesarean Birth session of Birth 2 Be Community (registration required)
If you`re a new mom, join us on Friday for Social Hour (registration not required)

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Happy World Doula Week--Day 6!

One of the biggest blessings I have in my life is getting to meet LOTS of people who are extremely passionate about making birth, postpartum, and parenthood safer and empowering. Whether we met through a doula training, at a conference, in our local community, or online, HAPPY WORLD DOULA WEEK! I am so thankful to know YOU!

If you know an amazing doula, send them a message this week or tag them in the comments!

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Happy World Doula Week--Day 5!

Having a doula on your birth/baby team isn`t just "trendy"--there`s a lot of research that shows doula support can make a big impact on both mom`s and baby`s health! Interested in learning more? Send me an email!

#doula #labordoula #postpartumdoula #desmoines #iowa #desmoinesiowa #iowamom #desmoinesmom #iowamomlife #westdesmoines #waukee #cliveiowa #waukeeiowa #westdesmoinesiowa #iowadoula #desmoinesdoula #desmoinesbaby

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Happy World Doula Week--Day Four!

This one is for anyone who is responsible for caring for others, especially our doulas, who spend so much time caring for expecting and new parents.

There`s a high burnout rate among doulas, especially labor doulas, because of the on-call lifestyle. Making self-care a high priority is so important for doulas. I am thrilled that our doula team has many doulas who have been doing this work for a very long time!

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