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My current continuing education is an online course called Working With Preemies. I love all of the science and practical tips @thegrandparentdoula shares with us so we can better support our local families!

If you`re a newborn professional, I highly recommend any of Kimberly`s courses.

If you`re a grandparent to be, I highly recommend any class from The Grandparent Doula too!

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Are you a twins or triplets mom in Des Moines? Do you know about this group? Check them out!

We would also love to support your through birth or postpartum. Visit for more info!

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Are you newly pregnant? Congratulations! Here are a few quick tips to think about this month.

Find your doula ❤️! Yes we`re biased, but research shows that having a doula on your birth and baby team can mean healthier experiences for both you and baby! Visit our website to learn more.

Connect with Your Baby 🤰: Spend a few minutes each day talking, reading a book, or singing to your baby. It’s a beautiful way to bond and feel more connected during your pregnancy.

Seek Support 🤝: Don’t hesitate to lean on your partner, family, or friends. Whether it’s emotional support or helping with daily tasks, having a strong support system makes a huge difference.

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Wow! Imagine if more partners were this compassionate about pregnancy and alllll of the complications that come with pregnancy. Love it! ...

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