This is our most popular class for expecting TWIN parents! This class is currently offered via zoom and is approximately 90 minutes. We will talk about all-things-twins to help you prepare for your first weeks at home with your babies. Feeding options, newborn sleep schedules, home organization, nursery set up, and more helpful ideas are included. I even include photos of local twin home set up arrangements so you can start to visualize what life with these babies will be like–no stock photos of fancy, perfect homes in this class!
Private Class Option Available: This class is also available as a private class via zoom. Email me to find a mutual time where we can get your class set up!
Class also includes access to our Twins/Multiples Digital Library with resources to help you get started off right!
Fee: $40
Instructor: Katie Nyberg, CLD, CPD, CNPE, CLE, CPST
Katie has educated hundreds of families in Iowa since 2010. She has advanced multiple trainings and loves helping families feel prepared for life with their new babies! Katie holds a teaching degree from UNI and loves to make classes engaging and informative. No boring lectures here! She is a HUG Your Baby certified instructor and Evidence Based Birth Instructor as well.
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