Many new families in Iowa realize that bringing a new baby–or babies– home can be overwhelming and are looking for some professional help. We’ve put together some information to help you decide what type of support and how much help you may need. Katie Nyberg and our team of Iowa Baby Ladies are always happy to discuss postpartum support with you too!
How to Use: Set aside some time to make a plan for your postpartum recovery. We’ve got a helpful Postpartum Plan you can download, print, and use too. As you go through this list of questions, consider how many questions have you “stumped” or “worried”. The more uncertainty you have, the more postpartum support you may find beneficial.
Prior Knowledge
- What experience does each parent have caring for babies during the daytime hours?
- What experience does each parent have caring for newborns during the nighttime hours?
- How comfortable are you with newborn daily care like baths, feedings, and diaper changes?
- Do you know any methods for calming fussy newborns?
- How well do you function on little sleep?
Planned Support
- Who are your “visitors”? These are people who are excited to meet your new baby and want to stop by for a visit.
- Who are your “helpers”? These are people who are excited to offer practical support like laundry help, making meals, and holding baby so you can catch up on sleep.
- Who are your people who will help with the older sibling(s)?
- What are your plans for your pets? Will you have someone to walk the dog or feed the rabbit?
- Who will be preparing meals for you? Consider breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
Special Circumstances
- Are you expecting twins or triplets?
- Will you be going back to work early?
- Was baby in the NICU?
- Do you have lactation concerns?
- Are there older siblings that will need lots of attention during this transition?
- Will you be recovering from a Cesarean birth?
Finally, in addition to postpartum doula support, we highly recommend attending our New Parent preparations class called B.O.O.B. Camp. You can purchase the class and immediately get access to great content + join an in-person skills session too!
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