It’s no surprise that babies need stuff. Car seats, clothing, diapers, strollers, cribs, and on and on. However, I’d love to challenge expecting mothers to add a few unusual items to their wish lists that help make their lives easier as a new mom with a new baby.
1. Lactation Gift Certificate
If you are planning on breastfeeding, an in-home visit from a lactation consultant runs about $100. She will come to your home and help you with breastfeeding. Even if everything is going perfectly, she will be a wealth of information regarding pumping, schedules, sleep, latch, baby weight gain, and so much more. If you are struggling, she will help you with techniques and plan to help breastfeeding improve.
2. Instant Pot/Crock Pot
This is my all-time favorite kitchen appliance–it’s a 7 in 1 slow cooker, pressure cooker, rice cooker, and so much more. The reason I love Instant Pot cookers is because you can put in a STILL FROZEN freezer meal/meat, and it will be done in under two hours. It’s also great for making bone broth, which is a super food for new mothers. These run around $90 and are totally worth the investment.
If an Instant Pot doesn’t sound like your kind of appliance, register for a large capacity slow cooker (Crock Pot) with a timer. The timer is important so it doesn’t cook too long if you are busy with baby, and can also start later in the day as well. The flexibility is important!
3. Meals
Speaking of meals, consider asking baby shower guests bring a freezer meal instead of a gift! Imagine coming home from the hospital with a freezer full of meals provided by friends and family. Just be sure to keep in mind the size of your freezer!Ā For those people who don’t cook, gift certificates to restaurants with Curbside Pick Up are a great idea too.
4. House Cleaning Gift Certificate
We all know how good it feels to have a clean, tidied house. The new mom (and dad and siblings) will be so focused on the new baby that housework gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Gifting a new mom with this service would be much appreciated! Not sure who to hire? Ask friends for recommendations!
5. Postpartum Doula Gift Certificate
Of course this is my FAVORITE option because it covers a little of everything! Postparutm doulas are there to provide support to the new mother. This means the new is able to get a nap, take a shower, get breastfeeding support, eat a nutritious meal, and have her house tidied during the time her postpartum doula is there. Postpartum doulas typically cost between $25-$40/hr, and many offer different packages. (I’m happy to provide anywhere from 3-300 hours of service for a new mother!) Some postpartum doulas offer overnight support as well.
While many of these gifts are more expensive than onesies and wipes warmers, consider teaming up with a few guests to go in on one big gift together. I can almost guarantee it will be a big hit!
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